Tired of using your LazyPay account and want to delete (close) it?
If your answer is Yes! Then you’re on the right page.
A little note on LazyPay.
Among many reasons people want to delete their LazyPay account is, when they no longer want to use the instalment payment plan.
Another very common reason is when you don’t like receiving mails from them, you can stop LazyPay from sending you mails by deleting your account or you can unsubscribe.
This guide will show you how to delete your LazyPay account permanently.
Let’s get on the guide.
How to Delete LazyPay Account (Profile)
Before we proceed you should know that you can delete your account by sending a deletion mail to LazyPay customer support.
Follow the below steps to get it:
Step 1. Login to your email address and click “Compose” or “Create” to write a new mail.
Step 2. Title it “Request to Delete LazyPay Account”
Step 3. Compose your mail stating you want to delete or close your account. See sample mail, click HERE.
Step 4. After composing your mail forward it to wecare@LazyPay.in
Note that once your data or profile is deleted from LazyPay database you may not be able to retrieve them in the future. So, don’t be in a haste here.
Let’s know if you have any difficulty.
I want to close my lazy pay account and also ECS which is linked with my bank account
I’m not using any lazypay account but your team regularly asking some outstanding amount it’s totally irritating and also a mind loss..
I don’t know how it’s activated please delete this No 9566228226 in your server portal..
Otherwise I will take it up legal..
Thanks & Regards
Sent from my iPhone
I dislike lazy pay bank account delete.
I am not using lazypay account please the account all time its showing outstanding bill
Please delete my number 8106637426
Orels i will take legal action
My account was deleted on lazy pay account on082901511009
When i tried to activate lazypay upi, every time system shows that ur pan already registered for other user.
Kindly do the needful.
I am not using that lazy pay account y u r sending me msgs of due I don’t use dat all and calling me on dat number I recently take dat number I am others number so don’t call me or Don’t send me any kind of msgs I will take legal action other wise